12 Jun 2018


I love apps. I mean, I really really love them. I use them daily in my own work and I encourage photography workshop participants to explore them. Yes, I do know (in principle) how to work SLRs both D and otherwise (I used to shoot using the sunny-16 rule on a Russian rangefinder with a wonky winding mechanism and long-dead light meter batteries) and I even put in my time in a colour darkroom while at college (*shudder* *so much darkness, it was a long winter*). My Lightroom workflow suits me just fine and if you really demanded it I could take out all your wrinkles in Photoshop (but I won't, on principle). 

Apps are just another tool and I can't bear to read another article about the death of photography due to the iPhone. I love that they are limiting and limited and remove a few of the myriad of choices we are faced with as people and as creatives. Here's a current favourite - NOMO. It's free, and pops out a digital Instax, just like the ones that papered my teenage bedroom. It even 'develops' faster if you shake your phone (though we all know the real test would be if you stuck it under your armpit). Try it! It's fun! It's silly! It doesn't mean anything really!


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